Saturday, April 28, 2018

Evil Omen: Two Head Pig Born In China

Pig Omen took place in China

Below the Video you can read about Omens from St. Isidore of Seville:

The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville 

Book XI The human being and portents (De homine et portentis) 

Portents (De portentis)11 1. Varro defines portents as beings that seem to have been born contrary to nature – but they are not contrary to nature, because they are created by divine will, since the nature of everything is the will of the Creator. Whence even the pagans address God sometimes as ‘Nature’ (Natura), sometimes as ‘God.’

2. A portent is therefore not created contrary to nature, but contrary to what is known nature. Portents are also called signs, omens, and prodigies, because they are seen to portend and display, indicate and predict future events.

3. The term ‘portent’ (portentum) is said to be derived from foreshadowing (portendere), that is, from ‘showing beforehand’ (praeostendere). ‘Signs’ (ostentum), because they seem to show (ostendere) a future event. Prodigies (prodigium) are so called, because they ‘speak hereafter’ (porro dicere), that is, they predict the future. But omens (monstrum) derive their name from admonition (monitus), because in giving a sign they indicate (demonstrare) something, or else because they instantly show (monstrare) what may appear; and this is its proper meaning, even though it has frequently been corrupted by the improper use of writers.

4. Some portents seem to have been created as indications of future events, for God sometimes wants to indicate what is to come through some defects in newborns, and also through dreams and oracles, by which he may foreshadow and indicate future calamity for certain peoples or individuals, as is indeed proved by abundant experience.

5. In fact, to Xerxes a fox born of a mare was a portent for the destruction of the empire. A monster to which a woman gave birth, whose upper body parts were human, but dead, while its lower body parts came from diverse animals, yet were alive, signified to Alexander the sudden murder of the king – for the worse parts had outlived the better ones. However, those monsters that are produced as omens do not live long – they die as soon as they are born.

6. There is a difference between a ‘portent’ (portentum) and ‘an unnatural being’ (portentuosus). Portents are beings of transformed appearance, as, for instance, is said to have happened when in Umbria a woman gave birth to a serpent. Whence Lucan says (Civil War 1.563): And the child terrified its own mother. But an unnatural being strictly speaking takes the form of a slight mutation, as for instance in the case of someone born with six fingers.

7. Portents, then, or unnatural beings, exist in some cases in the form of a size of the whole body that surpasses common human nature, as in the case of Tityos who, as Homer witnesses, covered nine jugers (i.e. about six acres) when lying prostrate; in other cases in the form of a smallness of the whole body, as in dwarfs (nanus), or those whom the Greeks call pygmies (pygmaeus), because they are a cubit tall. Others are so called due to the size of parts of their bodies, as for instance a misshapen head, or due to superfluous parts of their limbs, as in the case of two-headed and three-headed individuals, or in the case of the cynodontes (i.e. “dog-toothed” people), who have a pair of projecting fangs. More 

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