The priests, ministers of my Son, the priests, by their wicked lives, by their irreverence and their impiety in the celebration of the holy mysteries, by their love of money, their love of honors and pleasures, and the priests have become cesspools of impurity. Yes, the priests are asking vengeance, and vengeance is hanging over their heads. Woe to the priests and to those dedicated to God who by their unfaithfulness and their wicked lives are crucifying my Son again! The sins of those dedicated to God cry out towards Heaven and call for vengeance, and now vengeance is at their door, for there is no one left to beg mercy and forgiveness for the people. There are no more generous souls; there is no one left worthy of offering a stainless sacrifice to the Eternal for the sake of the world. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)
“God will strike in an unprecedented way. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)
“Woe to the inhabitants of the earth! God will exhaust His wrath upon them and no one will be able to escape so many afflictions together. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)
“The chiefs, the leaders of the people of God have neglected prayer and penance, and the devil has bedimmed their intelligence. They have become wandering stars which the old devil will drag along with his tail to make them perish. God will allow the old serpent to cause divisions among those who reign in every society and in every family. Physical and moral agonies will be suffered. God will abandon mankind to itself and will send punishments which will follow one after the other for more than thirty-five years. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)
“The Society of men is on the eve of the most terrible scourges and of gravest events. Mankind must expect to be ruled with an iron rod and to drink from the chalice of the wrath of God. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)
First lets start with this post:
Friday, April 4, 2014 Evil Portent For Chile! Pope Francis Sends A Telegram Offering Only Prayers For Chileans. Expect Another Earthquake & More Deaths!
Reason for the post was the telegram that Pope Francis sent to the people of Chile
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
I am deeply affected by hearing the news about the earthquake that has affected and injured people, as well as damages and the high amount of people that were evacuated in that beloved country. On your behalf, I wish to express my closeness and affection to all Chileans.
I pray eternal rest to the deceased, to comfort those affected by this unfortunate tragedy and to inspire through hope to face such adversity.
Also, I pray urgently to all Christian communities, civil institutions and people of good will, to provide effective aid to those affected, with generous spirit and kindness.
While I call on our Lady of Mount Carmel, as a sign of respect and esteem, I bless those Chileans in the north who are present in my heart.
Pope Francis.”
- Vatican, April 2nd, 2014
As was pointed out here on this blog for those who have not been paying attention this is how it goes with Pope Francis:
- A disaster takes place somewhere in the world
- Pope Francis the Destroyer sends up prayers for the victims of the disaster
- A few days later another similar disaster takes place a world away
- Or same disaster takes place in the same area a few days or weeks later
- Repeat
God sends natural disasters by means of the four elements of air,water,earth and fire to punish men for their sins - to punish especially the sins of the clergy. The recent natural disasters are a taste of what's to come unless Pope Francis repents and puts on sack cloth and ashes and does the will of God - but you know and I know Pope Francis will never do any such thing.
So not only will God send the four elements to do his bidding but there are four grievous judgements against modern man that are found in the words of Our Lady of La Salette.
I shall send in upon Jerusalem my four grievous judgments:
1. the sword,
2. and the famine,
3. and the mischievous beasts,
4. and the pestilence, to destroy out of it man and beast
These four grievous judgements will play along with the four elements and the rest of nature to get our attention and to make the Pope abolish the stripped and barren new mass and correct all the Vatican II heresies. Until the pope corrects the errors of the day God will strike in an unprecedented way - the pope can offer up prayers for the victims of God's Justice but that will not appease God - only the restoration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will appease Gods wrath.
So expect more evil portents to come and expect the fulfillment of the evil portents, usually within days or weeks of the evil portent.
So here is what happened in Chile:
1 April 2014: Chile struck by earthquake killing several souls. The element of earth did the work of God this day.
SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — A powerful magnitude-8.2 earthquake struck off northern Chile on Tuesday night, setting off a small tsunami that forced evacuations along the country's entire Pacific coast. Five people were crushed to death or suffered fatal heart attacks, the interior minister said, but Chile apparently escaped major damage or serious casualties.
2 April 2014: Pope Francis sends telegram to the people of Chile calling upon Our Lady of Mount Carmel for help.
4 April 2014: Post on this blog pointing to an evil portent for Chile see above or
Now wait......for another event to rock Chile and expect more deaths.....
12 April 2014: The element of fire erupted on Saturday in a hilltop residential area of Valparaiso, Chile killing over fifteen souls and leaving close to 10,000 without shelter.
(Daily Mail) Helicopters, airplanes and firefighters have been struggling to contain wildfires that have killed 15 people, devastated more than 2,000 homes and left 8,000 homeless in Valparaiso, Chile.
A 15th body was found today and the toll of destroyed homes has risen to more than 2,150
As smoke rose from smoldering ruins all over the picturesque coastal city, many compared the scene to Dante's inferno.
Will any of you pay attention? No? I will have over thirty five years of events like this to blog about to wake the lot of you up.
Victim of Jesus nee MELANIE CALVAT,
Shepherdess of La Salette
"I protest highly against a different text, which people may dare publish after my death. I protest once more against the very false statements of all those who dare say and write First that I embroidered the Secret; second, against those who state that the Queen Mother did not say to transmit the Secret to all her people." Mélanie