Sunday, December 30, 2018
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Didn't See It Coming.... Members Of Seventeen (Indonesian Band) Swept Away By Tsunami At Sunda Strait
Tsunami wave strikes Indonesian pop band during show
(CNN) An Indonesian pop band performing near the beach was swept away when a tsunami hit the Sunda Strait on Saturday.
Seventeen's drummer Windu Andi Darmawan, bassist Muhammad Awal Purbani and guitarist Hernawan Sikumbang were killed in the disaster, lead singer Riefian Fajarsyah said in a series of emotional messages posted on Instagram. The band's manager Oki Wijaya also died, he said.
Seventeen's drummer Andi and Fajarsyah's wife Dylan are still missing, he said Monday.
"Please come home my darling -- I am longing for you," Fajarsyah said. "I am still here -- I am not going anywhere -- I will pick you and we can come home together sweet heart," he added.Fajarsyah said that services for the band's bassist Bani, guitarist Herman, crew member Ujang and manager Oki were held on Monday.
"Rest in peace bro, Peace be with you, God wiling, we will continue to pray until we meet again one day," Fajarsyah said. Source
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
MEDITATION ON The Nativity Of Our Savior Christ: Of The Birth Of Our Savior Christ In A Stable In Bethlehem POINT III ~ Luis de la Puente
THE XVII. MEDITATION Of The Birth Of Our Savior Christ In A Stable In Bethlehem
The third, and principal point is, to consider the marvelous greatness of that divine child, laid in the manger. Pondering the dignity of his person; the words that he spake in his heart; the works that he did; and the things that he suffered: and for whom; and how: and the heroic virtues that he there did exercise. All this I am to ponder, as the most sacred Virgin did ponder it, in this form.
1. First, I will behold the person of that child, making a comparison between what he is, as he is almighty God, and between what he is there, as he is man; with an affection of admiration, and love the greatest that I am able: pondering how this child is that God of majesty, whose seat id heaven, whose throw are the Cherubins, and whose servants the Hierarchies of Angels are, being in the maddest of them, as an Emperor, whom all do adore, and to whom all acknowledge subjection. And on the other side, he is laid in, a manger in the maddest between two dull and lumpish beasts: And he that is the word of the eternal Father, by whom he created all things, and who sustaineth them with his power, is become a child not yet able to speak, his hands and feet being swathed , and he not able to stir. And he whose vesture is the infinite light of the Deity, being the brightness of the glory of his Father: he who clothe his creatures with beauty, and with a liberal hand giveth them sustenance for the conservation of their life: he, even he, is wrapped up in poor mantles, and rags, and hath need to be sustained with the milk of his mother.
O most excellent, and most humbled babe, and in all venerable, and amiable in all: yet, quango pro me vilior, tango mini carrier, the more thou art despised for me, the more worthy thou art to be loved: and the more thou art humbled, the more to be exalted: for in thy humiliations, thou demostratest the greatness of thy incomprehensible charity. O that I could love thee, as thou deservest: o that I could debase, and humble myself, as I deserve to be: for to debase me with myself, were to magnify me with thee. How is it (o my soul) that thou art not confounded to see this person so great, and yet so humbled: and to see thy own person so vile, and yet so proud! Learn of this Child to humble thyself: for he that with him shall humble himself on earth, shall by him be magnified, and exalted in heaven.
2. Secondly, I will ponder the words this child might speak, not with the tongue, but with the spirit: not with voice, but with examples. To his eternal Father, he might speak, giving him thanks; because that hour has come, and that it was his pleasure to have him laid in that manger, offering unto him with great love all the afflictions that he was to suffer in the world, and again saying unto him, that which the Apostle pondereth he might say in entering into the world, he added: Behold me here (o Lord) I am come to accomplish thy will. To men he spake likewise, and cried out totem with his examples, speaking that from the manger, which he afterwards spake while he preached: Learn of me, for I am meek, and humble of heart: and unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into he kingdom of heaven: and whosoever shall humble himself as this child, he shall be greater in the kingdom of heaven. These, & other like words he is there preaching by his example,which I am to hearken unto with great devotion, beseeching him to open the ears of my heart, that I may understand this language, and put it in practice.
O sovereign child, that even from this manger art inviting me to become a child, and wast always so great a lover of little children, that thiu didst lovingly embrace them: make me like thee, a child in innocency, a little one in humility, an infant in silence, and tender in charity. In these four things consisteth the making ourselves children, to become great in the eyes of almighty God.
3.Then will I contemplate the works that he doth: wherein there is one marvelous thing to consider: for being a man as perfect in judgment as when he was thirty years old, he did all the actions, gestures, and semblances of a child, not counterfeited, nor gained, but really, and truly, as other children do, with an admirable harmony, for him that knoweth how to ponder the connection of these two things together. In particular I will now ponder that weeping of the child, and the cause of his tears: he weepeth not so much for grief of what he suffereth (as other children do) as for that which we suffer by our sins, lovingly be wailing them; and with those tears joining interiorly most zealous prayers to the eternal Father, doing that St. Paul said of him: That in the days of his flesh, he offered prayers, and supplications to god with great clamor, and tears. And it is to be believed, that the blessed Virgin wept, seeing her Son weep, & considering the causes wherefore he wept.
O sweet JESUS, why laments thou so bitterly my miseries, forgetful of thine now! O my soul why weepst thou not, seeing this child weep, that so wept for thee? Weep thou for compassion to see him weep: weep because thou art the cause of his weeping, and weep for thy sins that afflict his heart: and if this make thee not weep, then weep because thou art so hard hearted that thou canst not weep, having so much reason to shed abundance of tears. O most sacred Virgin, obtain for me the gift of tears, if it be but to accompany thee with them, to comfort thy Son, who is comforted to see us weep, and said:
Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.
O sweet JESUS, why laments thou so bitterly my miseries, forgetful of thine now! O my soul why weepst thou not, seeing this child weep, that so wept for thee? Weep thou for compassion to see him weep: weep because thou art the cause of his weeping, and weep for thy sins that afflict his heart: and if this make thee not weep, then weep because thou art so hard hearted that thou canst not weep, having so much reason to shed abundance of tears. O most sacred Virgin, obtain for me the gift of tears, if it be but to accompany thee with them, to comfort thy Son, who is comforted to see us weep, and said:
Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.
4. Lastly, I will contemplate what things this child suffereth: which are, poverty, contempt, cold, and dolor, with other incommodities, all which he suffereth not forcible, nor of necessity but willingly, and pleasingly: for as he is God, and man perfect in judgment, he taketh choice of all that he suffereth. He chose to be born in the most rigorous time of the winter, in the coldest hour of midnight; in the most vile, and contemptible stable of all the city; with the greatest property, contempt, and forgetfulness of men that was possible: and all with such a mask of humility, that being voluntary, it seemed forced, and consequently most vile, and contemptible. Finally, from the manger (as he himself saith in one of the Psalms) he took forces inseparable companions even until death, poverty, contempt, dolours, and afflictions, electing such a manner of life contrary to that of the world, to discover by his example the deceits, and errors of wordings that follow the same. For as St. Bernard sayeth: It is a matter very evident that the world erreth, choosing for his companions, riches, honors, and delicacies, when as Christ the infinite wisdom, who can neither deceive himself, nor beguile us, chooseth the contrary. With this consideration, I am to confound myself in the presence of this most blessed babe, seeing how contrarily I have lived to that, which he teacheth, purposing to imitate him from hence forward, choosing to suffer what he suffereth, and beseeching him to make worthy to suffer with him, and like him, not of necessity, but gladly, & willingly for his love.
O sovereign child, who like another David, art the wisest prince among three: for of the three divine persons thou art the second, to whom wisdom is attributed: what doest thou seated here in this chair of the manger, being silent, without speaking unto us? thou art the most tender little worm of the wood, that violently killest eight hundred: for with the contempt, and humiliation that thou hast in the worm-eaten wood of thy poor harbor, thou killest with the violence of thy divine love, the innumerable violences of the love of the world. O most wise, and most valiant prince which silently instructs, and silently killest, teach me to follow with silence thy contempts, and kill in my heart worldly affections, that making myself a worm in imitation of thee, I may merit to ascend to behold thee in the throne of thy glory, Amen.
Luis de la Puente
MEDITATION ON The Nativity Of Our Savior Christ: Of The Birth Of Our Savior Christ In A Stable In Bethlehem POINT II ~ Luis de la Puente
MEDITATION Of The Birth Of Our Savior Christ In A Stable In Bethlehem
MEDITATION Of The Birth Of Our Savior Christ In A Stable In Bethlehem
1. Secondly, I am to consider what the blessed Virgin did, when by those jubilees she knew that the hour of her delivery was come, pondering her affections, her actions, and her words. For recollecting herself in a corner of the stable, and settled in a very high contemplation, she brought forth her only begotten Son, and forth she took him in her arms. O what content, and joy received she at that first view, not staying upon the outward beauty of the body, but passing to the beauty of the soul, and of the Deity! On the one side she embraced him and kissed him lovingly as her Son: and on the other side she shrunk back, and humbly retired, considering that he was almighty God: for with these two arms God desert to be embraced; with charity, and humility; with love, and reverence: and the like am I to do spiritually, taking him as it were in my arms, loving him, and reverencing him, approaching to him with love, and retiring myself with humility.
2.This done the Virgin swathed her Son in such swathing clothes, and mantles as she had prepared, and with an affection of humility she laid him in a manger, esteeming herself unworthily to hold him in her arms: and falling on her knees she adored him as her God, and her Lord, and very lovingly she spake unto him, for she was assured that he understood her. She humbly thanked him for the great favors he had done to mankind, coming to redeem him. She likewise gave him thanks for having taken her for his mother, without any merits of hers: and there she offered to serve him with body, and soul, and with all her forces, employing them all in his holy service: And all this she uttered with such loving words, and tender affections, as they are rather to be imagined then possible to be explicated. The like did St. Joseph, adoring the child, humbly thanking him for taking him for his foster father, acknowledging it for a great favor, and offering himself truly, and really to serve him. The like am I to do, accompanying these Saints in hearty thankfulness, offering unto him my body, and soul, and all my faculties.
O most sweet, and most sovereign Lord, what thanks may I give thee, for this great favor thou hast done me, in coming to redeem me, as a child and in so extreme poverty? O that I might have been present at that time to serve thee in thine infancy! I here present myself in spirit before thy divine majesty, and I offer unto thee all that I am, or may be able to be, to employees it wholly, in thy service: accept (o Lord) this my good will, and give me thy grace to effect it, Amen.
Luis de la Puente
GIOTTO di Bondone
No. 17 Scenes from the Life of Christ: 1. Nativity: Birth of Christ (detail)
And it came to pass, that when they were there, her days were accomplished, that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him up in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds watching, and keeping the night watches over their flock. And behold an angel of the Lord stood by them, and the brightness of God shone round about them; and they feared with a great fear. And the angel said to them: Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, that shall be to all the people:For, this day, is born to you a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, in the city of David. And this shall be a sign unto you. You shall find the infant wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laid in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly army, praising God, and saying: Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace to men of good will. And it came to pass, after the angels departed from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another: Let us go over to Bethlehem, and let us see this word that is come to pass, which the Lord hath shewed to us. And they came with haste; and they found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying in the manger. And seeing, they understood of the word that had been spoken to them concerning this child. And all that heard, wondered; and at those things that were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these words, pondering them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God, for all the things they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them. Lk.
From all of us at dxv515, we wish you a Merry, blessed, and grace-filled Christmas and God’s abundant blessings in the new year!
Monday, December 24, 2018
Meditation On The Nativity Of Our Savior Christ: Of The Birth Of Our Savior Christ In A Stable In Bethlehem POINT I ~ Luis de la Puente
Of The Birth Of Our Savior Christ In A Stable In Bethlehem
1. First, I am to consider what the Word incarnate did in the womb of his mother, when the hour was come of his deliverance from thence. Pondering, first, that as he would not anticipate the time of his birth, so also he would not defer it, but would punctually be born at nine months end, to manifest himself unto the world, with an hearty desire to begin his course with great fervor, and alacrity of heart; fulfilling that of David: He hath resolved as a Giant to run the way: his coming forth from the top of heaven, not staying till he come to the other extreme. For albeit he knew what a sharp course he was to have from his Nativity to his death, yet he rejoiced with fortitude to begin it, issuing out from the womb of the Virgin, which was his heaven, and presently setting his feet upon the vilest, and basest place that was on earth. For the which I ought humbly to thank him, beseeching him to give me light to know, and understand what passed in this his entrance.
O child more strong, and valiant then a Giant, seeing that, resplendent like a new Sun, thou wilt issue by thy orient, to run thy course unto the Occident of the Cross, illuminate my understanding, and inflame my will that I may behold and contemplate they aggression, and may love with fervent zeal the virtues thou discovers therein, Amen.
2. Then will I ponder how liberal he then showed himself to his mother, like as a mighty, and rich man, having been lodged in the house of a poor laboring man, who hath given good entertainment, not for any interest, but to serve him uesth at his departure to recompense him well, and to give him some precious gift, either in gratitude, or for lames: so likewise for that the blessed Virgin had so well harbored her Son for nine months; as such time as he meant to depart from his lodging, he gave her the richest gifts of grace; a most high contemplation of that mystery, and certain extraordinary jubilees of gladness, instead of those pains that other women use to feel when they are in travel of child. For it was not reason, that she that had no sensual pleasure in conceiving, should have any pain in bringing forth. And albeit as touching the suffering of dollars, he dispensed not with himself yet he would not that his mother in this case should suffer any. In like sort I may consider, that when our Savior Christ entered Sacramentally into us, at his first entrance he giveth us Sacramental grace, and if we give him good hospitality, before his departure, he giveth us rich jewels of affections of devotion , and contemplation; and jubilees of alacrity, wherewith he recompenseth the good entertainment, that we give him.
Therefore (o my soul) regard how thou harbors this sovereign guest, that he may leave thee rich and abundantly stored with the gifts of heaven.
3. Thirdly, I will ponder how our Savior Christ would for the same cause, issue out of his mothers womb after a miraculous manner she not suffering any loss of her virginity, for it was no reason that he should depart out of a house, where he had been so well entertained with the damaging of the integrity that it had; honoring herein his mother, and advising is all, that to entertain him, and to serve him, we shall receive no detriment: rather if need be, he will do some miracle to that end. For through he did none to preserve himself from suffering, yet he useth to do it, to preserve his elected, when it is convenient for them.
O sovereign master, how well thou teaches me by this example the condition of true love, which is rigorous to itself, and gentle to others! for itself it will have rigors to afflict it: but for its neighbor, it will have favors to delight him: aid me with thy abundant grace, that in both things I may imitate thy fervent, and admirable charity, Amen.
Luis de la Puente
Thursday, December 20, 2018
MOROCCO DOOM FULFILLED! MUSLIMS Decapitate Two Scandinavian Women!
Morocco DOOM has arrived:
'It's Allah's will': Fanatics branded two Scandinavian women the 'enemies of God' as they filmed themselves decapitating one of the tourists in Morocco – 'and posted video pledging allegiance to ISIS'
Suspected ISIS terrorists branded two Scandinavian women the 'enemies of God' as they filmed themselves decapitating one of the tourists in Morocco.
Maren Ueland, 28, from Norway, and Louisa Vesterager Jespersen, 24, from Denmark, were found dead near the village of Imlil in Morocco's High Atlas mountains on Monday.
A video showing the murder of one of the women has been recognised as genuine, Danish intelligence service said today adding that the killings can be connected to ISIS.
Men in the gruesome clip can be heard shouting 'it's Allah's will' while there are claims that the words 'this is for Syria' were used, in an apparent reference to Western bombing missions in the war-torn country. Source
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
DIVINE PROVIDENCE JUST PUNISHED PUTIN! The Blood Of St Januarius Liquefied In The Hands Of Ukrainian Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk On The 85th Anniversary Of The Holodomor
Not to be confused with 16 December 2018.
This event took place on 18 November 2018...
The Blood of St Januarius is to Liquefy at Naples Cathedral three times a year:
- 19 September (Saint Januarius's Day, commemorating his martyrdom)
- 16 December (celebrating his patronage of Naples and its archdiocese)
- Saturday before the First Sunday of May (commemorating the reunification of his relics)
If the Blood of St Januarius fails to liquefy = DOOM for Naples.
Another Divine sign that Putin is losing his kingdom.....
On Sunday, November 18, the Ukrainian community in Italy marked the 85th anniversary of the Holodomor. On this occasion, Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, Archbishop of Naples, displayed for veneration the most important relic of his eparchy - a vial with the blood of a saint, Martyr Januarius. At the final moment of laying the relics into the repository, the blood clot of Saint Januarius dissolved in the hands of Patriarch Sviatoslav, according to the Department of Information of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.
Every year, on the day of the holy martyr Januarius, September 19, in Naples his thick blood turns into liquid. Such a miracle usually occurs three times a year: September 19, May 16, and Saturday before the first Sunday of May. The last time this miracle occurred during the visit to the archdiocese to the Holy Father Francis: the blood dissolved halfway.
On the occasion of the historic visit of the Head of the UGCC to the archdiocese of Naples, in commemoration of the 85th anniversary of the Holodomor, Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe personally displayed St. Januarius’ relics for worship. “Not only did you open the doors of your home and this beautiful cathedral, but also you willingly brought the greatest treasure of your archeparchy – the relics of St. Januarius,” said His Beatitude Sviatoslav in his words of gratitude to the Archbishop of Naples.
At the end of the Divine Liturgy, the head of the UGCC blessed the faithful with the relics, and then solemnly transferred it to the place of storage – a special repository of the lateral chapel of the cathedral. At the moment of reliquary repositioning, the blood of St. Januarius instantly became liquid. The guardians of the relics turned to the faithful with the announcement: “I have to tell you an important message, a miracle happened: the blood of St. Januarius became liquid in the hands of His Beatitude Svyatoslav,” demonstrating a capsule with a completely sparse blood. Thereafter, the Head of the UGCC again blessed the faithful with the relics of the saint. “During the liturgical procession, when I was carrying the relics of St. Januarius with awe, I pleaded him for the patronage of the Ukrainian people and the end of the war in Ukraine,” said His Beatitude Sviatoslav.
It should be noted that “the miracle of blood of St. Januarius” is a challenge for modern science. His blood froze already in the 4th century and several times a year it becomes liquid. Neapolitan saint is venerated both by the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. St. Januarius is the Italian holy martyr, who was a bishop and suffered the martyr's death about 305. He was decapitated. The Christians of Naples took the holy body, and collected his blood that had gone dry from the ground into a vessel. For many centuries, many miracles continued on its grave. The local people believe that the miracle of St. Januarius’ blood thinning is a sign that he takes care of their city and listens to their prayers. Source
Monday, December 17, 2018
NO NAPOLI DOOM! The Blood of San Gennaro Liquefied!
The Blood of St Januarius is to Liquefy at Naples Cathedral three times a year:
- 19 September (Saint Januarius's Day, commemorating his martyrdom)
- 16 December (celebrating his patronage of Naples and its archdiocese)
- Saturday before the First Sunday of May (commemorating the reunification of his relics)
If the Blood of St Januarius fails to liquefy = DOOM for Naples.
On 16 December the blood of San Gennaro did liquefy:
That makes it three times in 2018.On 16 December the blood of San Gennaro did liquefy:
The only Doom event was this on 19 September....
When Cardinal Sepe fell deathly ill......
Saturday, December 15, 2018
Friday, December 14, 2018
Billionaire DOOM! Dennis Washington's 332 ft Yacht Attessa RAMS Fishing Boat Killing Fisherman!
A fatal crash involving Montana billionaire Dennis Washington's 332 ft yacht and a fishing boat which killed a man is being investigated by the U.S. Coast Guard.
The collision between Washington's The Attessa IV, worth an estimated $150 million, and the commercial vessel also injured another man who was on board the fishing boat.
The Attessa collided with the Prowler off the coast of Imperial Beach, San Diego on October 26 and the Coast Guard was called to the scene of the smash at 7.50pm, USA Today reports.
According to officials across the two boats there were 29 people on board and Washington, founder of the Washington Cos. and owner of Montana Rail Link, was not on the boat at the time of the crash. Source
Antarctica DOOM! Two US Technicians Are Killed At McMurdo Station
Mystery as two US technicians are killed at McMurdo Station, a remote Antarctic scientific base
The two who had been working on a fire-suppression system were found unconscious after a helicopter pilot spotted smoke coming from a building Two technicians performing maintenance at a US research station in Antarctica died on Wednesday while working on a building that houses a generator for a nearby radio transmitter, the National Science Foundation (NSF) said. The pair, both employed as subcontractors at the NSF-managed McMurdo Station in Antarctica, were found unconscious on the floor of the building after a helicopter pilot flying over the area saw what appeared to be smoke coming from the structure and landed to investigate.
One of the technicians was pronounced dead by medical personnel called to the scene. The other was pronounced dead a short time after being flown to the McMurdo medical clinic, the NSF said in a statement. Source
Monday, December 10, 2018
Monday, December 3, 2018
Sunday, December 2, 2018
Friday, November 30, 2018
More Evil Portents For Trump! Buenos Aires EARTHQUAKE Hits G20 Summit Just As Donald Trump SNUBS Putin & Saudi Crown Prince....
Earthquake hits near Argentina capital as world leaders attend G20 summit
A 3.8 magnitude earthquake has struck south of Buenos Aires, where world leaders are gathered for the G20 summit.
The quake hit an area located 33 kilometers south of the city, according to the European Mediterranean Seismological Center.
It had a depth of 10 kilometers, according to the US Geological Survey (USGS). It occurred on the first day of the G20 summit, with world leaders gathered in Buenos Aires. They are slated to discuss a range of topics, with global trade expected to be at the forefront. Although the quake wasn't widely felt by those in Buenos Aires, news that it had struck an area near the G20 prompted quite a few jokes online - most of them to do with US President Donald Trump. Source
The Red Laser Dot....
The Plane....
The Plane....
President Trump's private plane clipped by aircraft at LaGuardia Airport
We can only hope the offending pilot left a nice note on the windshield.
The Trump Organization confirmed Wednesday that the president’s private Boeing 757 was involved in an accident at LaGuardia airport after a corporate aircraft clipped its wing while trying to maneuver into a parking area.
The incident occurred around 8:30 a.m. that morning, the Associated Press reports. No one was injured.The extent of the damage to Trump’s Boeing jet, which he used during his 2016 presidential campaign, was not immediately made clear. The president has been using Air Force One since taking office, and no one was aboard the Boeing at the time of the incident. Source
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Evil Portent For Trump: Red Dot On Trump's Chest.....President Trump's Private Plane Clipped By Aircraft At LaGuardia Airport
First the Rad Laser Dot....
Now the Plane....
President Trump's private plane clipped by aircraft at LaGuardia Airport
We can only hope the offending pilot left a nice note on the windshield.
The Trump Organization confirmed Wednesday that the president’s private Boeing 757 was involved in an accident at LaGuardia airport after a corporate aircraft clipped its wing while trying to maneuver into a parking area.
The incident occurred around 8:30 a.m. that morning, the Associated Press reports. No one was injured.The extent of the damage to Trump’s Boeing jet, which he used during his 2016 presidential campaign, was not immediately made clear. The president has been using Air Force One since taking office, and no one was aboard the Boeing at the time of the incident. Source
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Monday, November 26, 2018
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
TRUMP VERSUS DIVINE PROVIDENCE: Statement from President Donald J. Trump on Standing with Saudi Arabia
Statement from President Donald J. Trump on Standing with Saudi Arabia
Issued on: November 20, 2018
America First!
America First!
The world is a very dangerous place!
The country of Iran, as an example, is responsible for a bloody proxy war against Saudi Arabia in Yemen, trying to destabilize Iraq’s fragile attempt at democracy, supporting the terror group Hezbollah in Lebanon, propping up dictator Bashar Assad in Syria (who has killed millions of his own citizens), and much more. Likewise, the Iranians have killed many Americans and other innocent people throughout the Middle East. Iran states openly, and with great force, “Death to America!” and “Death to Israel!” Iran is considered “the world’s leading sponsor of terror.”
On the other hand, Saudi Arabia would gladly withdraw from Yemen if the Iranians would agree to leave. They would immediately provide desperately needed humanitarian assistance. Additionally, Saudi Arabia has agreed to spend billions of dollars in leading the fight against Radical Islamic Terrorism.
After my heavily negotiated trip to Saudi Arabia last year, the Kingdom agreed to spend and invest $450 billion in the United States. This is a record amount of money. It will create hundreds of thousands of jobs, tremendous economic development, and much additional wealth for the United States. Of the $450 billion, $110 billion will be spent on the purchase of military equipment from Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and many other great U.S. defense contractors. If we foolishly cancel these contracts, Russia and China would be the enormous beneficiaries – and very happy to acquire all of this newfound business. It would be a wonderful gift to them directly from the United States!
The crime against Jamal Khashoggi was a terrible one, and one that our country does not condone. Indeed, we have taken strong action against those already known to have participated in the murder. After great independent research, we now know many details of this horrible crime. We have already sanctioned 17 Saudis known to have been involved in the murder of Mr. Khashoggi, and the disposal of his body.
Representatives of Saudi Arabia say that Jamal Khashoggi was an “enemy of the state” and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, but my decision is in no way based on that – this is an unacceptable and horrible crime.
King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman vigorously deny any knowledge of the planning or execution of the murder of Mr. Khashoggi. Our intelligence agencies continue to assess all information, but it could very well be that the Crown Prince had knowledge of this tragic event – maybe he did and maybe he didn’t!
That being said, we may never know all of the facts surrounding the murder of Mr. Jamal Khashoggi. In any case, our relationship is with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. They have been a great ally in our very important fight against Iran. The United States intends to remain a steadfast partner of Saudi Arabia to ensure the interests of our country, Israel and all other partners in the region. It is our paramount goal to fully eliminate the threat of terrorism throughout the world!
I understand there are members of Congress who, for political or other reasons, would like to go in a different direction – and they are free to do so. I will consider whatever ideas are presented to me, but only if they are consistent with the absolute security and safety of America. After the United States, Saudi Arabia is the largest oil producing nation in the world. They have worked closely with us and have been very responsive to my requests to keeping oil prices at reasonable levels – so important for the world.
As President of the United States I intend to ensure that, in a very dangerous world, America is pursuing its national interests and vigorously contesting countries that wish to do us harm. Very simply it is called America First!
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Friday, November 2, 2018
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