Monday, December 16, 2019

Meditation On The Nativity Of Our Savior Christ: Of The Journey Of Our Blessed Lady The Virgin From Nazareth To Bethlehem POINT I ~ Luis de la Puente

San Pier Maggiore Altarpiece: 
The Nativity 1370-71

Of the Nativity of our Savior Christ

Of the Journey of our blessed lady the Virgin from Nazareth to Bethlehem


First, for the foundation of the meditations ensuing, I will consider, how the word incarnate being in the womb of his mother, would make the newest, most admirable, and holiest entrance into the world, that ever was, or shall be, painful to himself, and profitable to us, to settle the foundation of that Evangelical perfection, which he was to preach. SO that his first, entrance into the world, was (as St. Cyprian seethe) a pattern of our first entrance into Christian religion, that his Disciples might enter by the way he entered, exercising those virtues that he exercised. And to this end he left all that the world loveth, and seeketh, and and seeketh. and sought forth all that which the world abhorreth, and flyeth. And therefore to be born, he disposed how to get out of Nazareth, to leave those commodities that he might have had, being born in the house of his mother, and among his kindred, and friends, where he could not have wanted the shelter of some warm lodging, and coverture, besides some daintiness for his nourishment, which John Baptist failed not of, being born in his fathers house. But he abandoned it all, demonstrating how much he abhorreth the pampering of the flesh, and what a lover he is of poverty: seeing he forsook that little that his poor mother had,and like a stranger would be born in Bethlehem, and in such a season, when all things should be wanting unto him. With this example I will confound myself, for being so great a lover of mine own commodities, and delicacies, that not only I do not fly from them, but I carefully seek for them, and if I find them not, I afflict myself.

O Jesus of Nazareth, flourishing with the flowers of celestial virtues, which comment out of Nazareth to abandon the flowers of earthly delights; I humbly beseech thee, by this thy coming from thence, that thou wilt be pleased to favor my imbecility, that I may renounce the flowers, and flatteries of my flesh, desiring only the flowers of thy virtues, with the which thou mayest so adorn my soul, that thou maiest vouchsafe to be born therein, Amen. 

Luis de la Puente  

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Meditation On The Expectation Of Our Saviors Nativity THE III POINT ~ Luis de la Puente

Of the Expectation of our Saviors Nativity

The XV Meditation.

Of the expectation of our blessed Lady’s delivery: and of the Preparation for the birth of our Savior Christ. For that in Spain, eight days before the birth of our Savior Christ, we celebrate the feast of the expectation of our Blessed Lady’s delivery I insert here this meditation for that day, and the days ensuing till the Nativity: in which we are to consider the lively desires that three persons had of this sovereign delivery, and birth: that is to say: the child: the Virgin: and St. Joseph: in whom are represented the faithful, that firmly believe thus mystery, and in their imitation desire to prepare themselves worthily to celebrate it.


1. Thirdly, I am to consider the assured hope that our blessed Lady had, that her Virginity should suffer no loss by this birth, firmly believing, that as she was a Virgin in conceiving the Son of almighty God, without the work of man: so likewise should she be in bringing him forth, without any evidence of her virginal integrity; for the experience of what was passed, assured her of what was to come, remembering that both these things were jointly prophesied by the Prophet Isaias, saying Behold a Virgin shall conceive, & bring forth a Son, whose name shall be Emanuel, which is to say being interpreted, God with us. These words she might revolve within herself, & with great admonition might say: ‘Whence to me so great good, that I should be this miraculous Virgin? what, is it possible that I had conceived within me that very Son whom the eternal Father conceived within himself? And that this Emanuel is with me, whom so many have desired to be with them: and that without loss of my virginity, he should issue out of me, to be, and remain with all universally?’


I give thee thanks (o most blessed Emanuel, for having chosen this humble Virgin for thy Mother. O that the hour of thy birth were now come, for albeit as thou art man, thou issuest out of me, yet as thou art God, thou wilt always remain with me. With such affections as these might the blessed Virgin be inwardly touched at this time, this hope filling her with great alacrity, for the great love she bare to virginity.

2. From hence it proceeded that she was free from those fears, that other childing women have, and from those cares of their delivery, which use to afflict them with great pain: for she only was careful to prepare her soul with notable acts of virtue, the better to serve her son, and likewise to provide (as far forth as her poverty would permit her) for all things needful for his birth. In imitation of her, I am to prepare myself for the Nativity, that I expect of the Son of almighty God, removing those impediments that I shall find in my soul, and adorning it with excellent act of virtues, according to that which in the precedent points we have declared, and to that which holy Church commandeth on those days, with the very words of St. John Baptist. Prepare the way of our Lord: make straight his paths: every valley shall be filled, and every mountain & hill shall be made low: crooked ways shall become straight, & rough ways plain: and all flesh shall see the salvation of God. Which is to say: remove from you vices, that are contrary to the Savior that is born: and adorn you with virtues, like unto his. Remove the baseness of pusillanimity, the loftiness of pride, crooked intentions, and rough manners, endeavoring in all that is possible, to exhale your spirit to the highest with confidence, and to base it to the lowest with humility; directing your intentions to that which is heavenly, without any mixture of what is earthly; being meek, & gentle to all, without giving occasion of stumbling to any; for such is the Savior that is to be born, and with such dispositions you are to receive him. These four virtues opposite to the four contrary vices, I am to procure for the end aforesaid, by the meditation of our Blessed Lady the Virgin, saying unto her.


O most sacred Virgin, who with fervent desires expected the Nativity of thy Son, & with excellent works disposed thy self to behold, and to embrace him, negotiate for me, that I may remove from me the impediments of his coming, and may with great diligence prepare myself thereunto, Amen.

Luis de la Puente 

Friday, December 13, 2019

MEDITATION ON The Expectation Of Our Saviors Nativity THE II POINT ~ Luis de la Puente

Of the Expectation of our Saviors Nativity

The XV Meditation.

Of the expectation of our blessed Lady’s delivery: and of the Preparation for the birth of our Savior Christ. For that in Spain, eight days before the birth of our Savior Christ, we celebrate the feast of the expectation of our Blessed Lady’s delivery I insert here this meditation for that day, and the days ensuing till the Nativity: in which we are to consider the lively desires that three persons had of this sovereign delivery, and birth: that is to say: the child: the Virgin: and St. Joseph: in whom are represented the faithful, that firmly believe thus mystery, and in their imitation desire to prepare themselves worthily to celebrate it.


1. Secondly, I will consider the fervent desires of the most sacred Virgin to see her Son born, and that the happy hour of his nativity was now arrived. First, that she might know face to face him, that was not only her Son, but the Son also of everliving God; to behold that sacred humanity that he had taken from her flesh, and to enjoy his excellent beauty.

2. Secondly, to adore him, to serve, and nourish him, and to do towards him the office of a mother, in gratitude for that great favor that he had done her, in electing her to that end. And therefore with great tenderness of heart she might apply to him that of the Canticles: Who shall give thee me (O my Son) Vt inueniam teforis, & deosouler te. that I may see thee out of this thy enclosure, to kiss thee, to cherish, and to serve thee, as thou does merit?

3. Thirdly, that the world might enjoy that good, that was enclosed in her: for albeit she exceedingly loved him, yet she would not have him for herself alone, but for all, because he was incarnate for all universality. And as Hop that is delayed afflicteth the heart, every day seemed to her a whole year: though on the other side she was most contented to contain him within her, understanding that such was hie pleasure. With these considerations I am to move my heart, and to awake therein fervent desire, that this Son of almighty God might be born spiritually within my soul, and within the soul of all men, that by all he might be adored, served, and loved, repeating to this end certain verses of the Psalms, and of the Prophets, which holy Church useth in the time of Advent: which are to say:

Awake o Lord, thy power, and make hast to save us. Would thou wouldest break these heavens, and descend, that in thy presence all my vices might be dissolved. O Heavens distill from on high this divine dew: O clouds rain for me this just one: and open o thou earth, and bud out to me this Savior: show thy mercy , o Lord, and graciously give me thy Salvation. To this purpose I may frame certain ejaculatory prayers, like to those which in these days the holy Church useth, in those seven Antiphons which are sung at Evensong, calling our Savior Christ by those names, which he holdeth as he is God, or as he is man, by reason of the offices he doth in those souls, whom he visiteth: And therefor I may say unto him:

O infinite wisdom, come to govern me in the way of heaven! O splendor of the glory of the Father, come to illuminate me with the splendor of thy virtues! O sun of justice, come to give light, and heat of life to him, that is seated in the shadow of death! O King of kings, descend to govern me! O master of nations, come to instruct me! O Savior of the world, make hast to save me. And in this form may be framed other such like petitions, according to the time, conforming myself herein to the spirit of the Catholic Church.

4. Finally, I may spiritlize the desires of the blessed Virgin, and of her Son whom she bare in her womb, quickening my desire, that those good purposes, which by the inspiration of the holy Ghost I have conceived, may come to light, and be effected in such time, place & season, as God shall require, absolutely conforming myself to his most holy will. For as the infant conceived, naturally desireth to come into the light of this world at his due time, and if he cometh not, he torments his mother, and dieth, endangering likewise herself; So the good purpose, which the holy Ghost inspireth me with of altering, or bettering my life, is as it were crying, and desiring to come to light in his due time. And if by negligence, or contempt, it be not effected, it torments the conscience with remorse, and useth to be an occasion of great falls, almighty God permitting them as a chastisement, for having extinguished the spirit, & the good purposes that proceeded from his inspiration. And hereupon the holy spirit saith, that Desires kill the slothful: that is, desires conceived by the virtue of almighty God, and not accomplished through our own sloth.

Luis de la Puente 

Thursday, December 12, 2019

MEDITATION ON The Expectation Of Our Saviors Nativity ~ Luis de la Puente

Of the Expectation of our Saviors Nativity

The XV Meditation.

Of the expectation of our blessed Lady’s delivery: and of the Preparation for the birth of our Savior Christ.

For that in Spain, eight days before the birth of our Savior Christ, we celebrate the feast of the expectation of our Blessed Lady’s delivery I insert here this meditation for that day, and the days ensuing till the Nativity: in which we are to consider the lively desires that three persons had of this sovereign delivery, and birth: that is to say: the child: the Virgin: and St. Joseph: in whom are represented the faithful, that firmly believe thus mystery, and in their imitation desire to prepare themselves worthily to celebrate it.


First, I am to consider the most fervent desire that our Lord Jesus Christ had, being in the womb of his mother, to perfect, and bring to an end the business of our Redemption, and consequently to be born in the world, to frame all things according to the will of his Father. For even from his mothers belly that sentence was true, that afterwards he uttered: I am to be baptized with a baptism, o how am I straightened until it be dispatched? For howsoever his body was pressed, and straightened in that strait womb of his mother, his heart was much more pressed, and straitened with the force of this vehement desire: for which I ought to give him infinite thanks, and to be correspondent unto him, with such another hearty desire: truly to serve him. But notwithstanding this desire, he would not be born before the nine months, which is the time wherein commonly all other children are born. 

1. To conform himself unto all, and to suffer that prison entirely without omitting as much as a day: for in that which concerned suffering, he would use with himself no dispensation,exception, nor privilege; & therefore he would not be born at the seven months, nor at the eight, but at the nine months complete. 

2. For that he took all this time, as a time of retiredness for his entrance into the world, spending it in perpetual prayer, and contemplation. As he was retired forty days in the desert, before he manifested himself to the world by his preaching: advising us herin, how we ought to recollect ourselves, dedicating sometime to retired prayer, and to be vacant to God only, before we issue out in public, and begin any great enterprise: as likewise how we should recollect ourselves to celebrate with devotion his holy Nativity

Luis de la Puente

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

GOOD MORNING PLAGUE: Two People Diagnosed With Pneumonic Plague In China

 “The earth will be struck by calamities of all kinds (in addition to plague and famine which will be wide-spread). Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)    

Woe to the inhabitants of the earth! There will be bloody wars and famines, plagues and infectious diseases.  Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879) 

Two people diagnosed with pneumonic plague in China 

Two people in China have been diagnosed with plague, the latest cases of a disease more commonly associated with historical catastrophe. Plague is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis and can arise in three forms – a lung infection, known as pneumonic plague; a blood infection, known as septicemic plague; and a form that affects the lymph nodes, called bubonic plague. The latter form is perhaps the most famous, and was behind several pandemics including the Black Death of the late middle ages, which is estimated to have killed up to 60% of the European population. The two new cases being treated at a hospital in Beijing are of the pneumonic form, which is even more serious than bubonic plague. Source

Victim of Jesus nee MELANIE CALVAT, 
Shepherdess of La Salette 

"I protest highly against a different text, which people may dare publish after my death. I protest once more against the very false statements of all those who dare say and write First that I embroidered the Secret; second, against those who state that the Queen Mother did not say to transmit the Secret to all her people." Mélanie 

Saturday, October 5, 2019

POPE FRANCIS DOOM! Fragments Fall From The Ceiling Of St. Peter's Basilica During The Mass Of Pope Francis...MAYBE EARTHQUAKE WILL STOP THE SYNOD?

I did ask on THURSDAY if an Earthquake will stop the Synod?



San Pietro, fragments fall from the ceiling during the Mass of Pope Francis

Small fragments of the ceiling of St. Peter's Basilica fell to the ground this afternoon during mass celebrated by the Pope for the ordination of four new bishops. As a precaution the affected area, the wing to the left of the altar, has been evacuated. No consequence because "it was very small fragments" refer to sources present in the basilica. Source

The Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins....

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Didn't See That Coming....... OX Cart Races....


This Saturday, Sept. 14, 2019, satellite image provided by NASA Worldview shows fires following Yemen's Houthi rebels claiming a drone attack on two major oil installations in eastern Saudi Arabia.  (NASA Worldview via AP)

Drone strikes target world's largest oil processing facility, Saudi oil field; attack claimed by Iranian-backed rebels

Saudi Arabia reportedly shuts down half its oil production after drone attack The world's largest oil processing facility and a nearby oil field in Saudi Arabia were set ablaze early Saturday morning after reported drone attacks by Iranian-backed Yemeni rebels. The Interior Ministry was quoted by state-run media as saying the fires at the Abqaiq oil processing facility in Buqyaq and the nearby Khurais oil field operated by Saudi Aramco were “targeted by drones.” It wasn’t immediately clear if there were any injuries. Houthi rebels – who are backed by Iran in a yearslong Saudi-led war against them in Yemen – have reportedly claimed responsibility for the attacks and vowed that further attacks could be expected in the future. The military spokesman Yahia Sarie said in a short address aired by Houthi’s Al-Masirah satellite news channel that the group launched 10 drones in a coordinated attack on the sites. “The only option for the Saudi government is to stop attacking us,” he added. State television showed footage showing smoke from the blazes clearly rising behind a correspondent. Source



Saudi Princess found guilty of ordering bodyguard to beat up Paris PLUMBER....

Paris (CNN) The sister of Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has been found guilty of ordering a bodyguard to beat and humiliate a local craftsman who was renovating her luxury Paris apartment three years ago. Princess Hassa bint Salman Al Saud was handed a 10-month suspended sentence and fined €10,000 ($11,000) by a French court Thursday. She was sentenced in absentia and found guilty of armed violence and complicity to hold someone against their will. Her bodyguard was handed an eight-month suspended prison sentence and ordered to pay a €5,000 ($5,600) fine. Saudi crown prince's sister will go on trial in Paris for 'ordering her bodyguard to beat up a decorator and force him to kiss her feet' Source

Sunday, August 11, 2019

HAJJ DOOM? Haramain, The Hiagh Speed Rail From Mecca To Medina TO CRASH?

What? No HAJJ DOOM this year?

High Speed Train to Mecca Open For First Hajj

For centuries, the yearly Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca has been a massive logistical undertaking. Pilgrims have long piled into buses for overland journeys from India, onto ships for crossings of the Red Sea from Egypt, and into specially chartered planes arriving at temporary outdoor terminals. This year, though, a new option is available. On the way to circle around the Kabaa, pilgrims can take the Haramain High Speed Rail line. Muslims the world over consider a trip to Mecca during these five days each year to be a life-long aspiration, and with international travel in the Jet Age allowing more and more pilgrims to visit Mecca, crowding has become a major safety concern. According to PBS, over 3 million pilgrims arrive each year, visiting a number of sites held sacred by Muslims the world over. Source

Didn't See That Coming.....Car Versus 2 Speeding Motorbikes

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Google Camp DOOM! Harry Styles, Katy Perry, Orlando Bloom, Barry Diller & Leonardo DiCaprio GO TO TEMPLE.....

Katy Perry heading to Barry Diller's boat Eos

Google Camp invades ancient Greek ruins for temple bash with guests Harry Styles, Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom, Barry Diller and Leonardo DiCaprio

A select group of billionaire businessman, world famous pop stars, doyennes of design and Hollywood A-listers have once again descended upon the ancient Greek city of Selinunte for Google Camp. The annual event is once again in full swing, with private planes and megayachts shuttling guests Harry Styles, Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom, Stella McCartney, Barry Diller and Diane Von Furstenberg, Gayle King, Leonardo DiCaprio and Bradley Cooper to the Verdura Resort in Sicily. And as per tradition, guests on Monday enjoyed dinner and a concert under the stars in the ruins of the Temple of Hera on the island. Cars could be seen taking guests to the bacchanal bash, where Google decided to disperse Jeff Koons' orbs throughout the ancient archaeological ruins. Source

Thursday, July 11, 2019

THE RAPINOE EFFECT: Will The Pride Of ATHEIST Rapinoe Bring DOOM To New Orleans?'t tell me you don't see this coming.....

ATHEIST Megan (In Your Face) Rapinoe and her Badass World Cup Teammates have no fear of God or His Vengeance.

If ever there was a woman who is calling upon the wrath of God it is this prideful monster Megan...

Monday, July 8, 2019


There will be thunderstorms which will shake cities, earthquakes which will swallow up countries. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)

Water and fire will give the earth's globe convulsions and terrible earthquakes which will swallow up mountains, cities, etc.. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879) )

Heavy rain slams DMV, causes flooding, road closures and chaos

WASHINGTON — Torrential downpours swept across the D.C. region during Monday morning's commute, causing chaos, road closures and water rescues. Flash flood warnings were in effect for D.C. and surrounding areas until 2 p.m. on Monday. The intense rainfall washed out roads, stranded people in their cars and caused flooding in unlikely areas. The Virginia Square Metro Station became the site of a waterfall after floodwaters stormed the ceiling, gushing water onto the tracks and platform. With it being the morning rush hour, many people across the region chanced the flooded roadways and attempted to drive through the high waters. Fairfax County, Va. had at least 55 water rescues, which included home evacuations due to flooding. Montgomery County, Md. had 25-30 water rescues while D.C. had 15. The heavy rain also caused dozens of road closures in different communities across the DMV. There were at least 30 road closures reported in Fairfax County, Va., 16 in Montgomery County, Md. and 11 in the District. Source

“The great chastisement will come, because men will not be converted; yet it is only their conversion that can hinder these scourges. God will begin to strike men by inflicting lighter punishments in order to open their eyes; then He will stop, or may repeat His former warnings to give place for repentance. But sinners will not avail themselves of these opportunities; He will, in consequence, send more severe castigations, anxious to move sinners to repentance, but all in vain. Finally, the obduracy of sinners shall draw upon their heads the greatest and most terrible calamities. Mélanie

“We are all guilty! Penance is not done, and sin increases daily. Those who should come forward to do good are retained by fear. Evil is great. A moderate punishment serves only to irritate the spirits, because they view all things with human eyes. God could work a miracle to convert and change the aspect of the earth without chastisement. God will work a miracle; it will be a stroke of His mercy; but after the wicked shall have inebriated themselves with blood, the scourge shall arrive Mélanie

“What countries shall be preserved from such calamities? Where shall we go for refuge? I, in my turn, shall ask, What is the country that observes the commandments of God? What country is not influenced by human fear where the interest of the Church and the glory of God are at stake? (Ah, indeed! What country, what nation upon earth?) In behalf of my Superior and myself, I have often asked myself where we could go for refuge, had we the means for the journey and for our subsistence, on condition that no person were to know it? But I renounce these useless thoughts. We are very guilty! In consequence of this, it is necessary that a very great and terrible scourge should come to revive our faith, and to restore to us our very reason, which we have almost entirely lost. Mélanie

Victim of Jesus nee MELANIE CALVAT,
Shepherdess of La Salette

"I protest highly against a different text, which people may dare publish after my death. I protest once more against the very false statements of all those who dare say and write First that I embroidered the Secret; second, against those who state that the Queen Mother did not say to transmit the Secret to all her people." Mélanie

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Didn't See That Coming...Lipstick.....Earthquake....

How Many Days In JULY 2019 Before There Is A Need To Pray JESUS PSALTER? FIVE! Patron Saint Of San Bernardino ALLOWS 7.1 MAG EARTHQUAKE To Hit San Bernardino County......SECOND QUAKE HITS CALI...

How many days in JULY 2019 before there is a need to pray the JESUS PSALTER for all those coming NATURAL AND MAN-MADE DISASTERS AND MUSLIM TERROR ATTACKS IN USA THE WORLD


Another Quake hits California

If you feel the need to make reparation when disaster strikes please Pray the JESUS PSALTER found here

San Bernardino

Powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake rocks Southern California: Terrified news anchor hides under her desk during strongest quake in 20 years that has sparked huge fires and caused multiple injuries - a day after a 6.4 tremor struck 11 miles away

A powerful earthquake has rocked Southern California for the second time in as many days.  The Friday magnitude 7.1 earthquake hit about 11 miles from Ridgecrest, the town in Kern County which was very close to the epicenter of the magnitude 6.4 quake felt on Thursday.    The quake, which interrupted sports games and sparked fires, was felt in Las Vegas and downtown Los Angeles as a rolling motion that seemed to last at least a half-minute.   Dr Lucy Jones, a seismologist for the California Institute of Technology (CalTech), said Friday's quake was the most powerful to hit Southern California since another 7.1 temblor in the same area in 1999.    Source

Juan Fernandez and Sara Donchey, two news anchors for the local CBS affiliate in Los Angeles, were seen live on the air seeking shelter as the quake struck on Friday.   'We are experiencing quite a bit of shaking if you bear with us a moment,' Donchey said.   'We're making sure nothing is going to come down in the studio here.'  A visibly terrified Donchey then grabs Fernandez's arm.  'This is a very strong earthquake,' she said.   '8:21 here and we're experiencing very strong shaking. I think we need to get under the desk Juan.'  Donchey then got under the desk and the station cut to a commercial break. Source

Abusers of the HOLY NAME OF JESUS (IHS) on the Basketball Court Freak Out:

The tremor in Vegas forced the NBA to cancel its nationally televised Summer League game between the New York Knicks and the New Orleans Pelicans.  Television footage from the game at the Thomas and Mack Center in Las Vegas shows the players and coaches walking off the court after tremors were felt throughout the arena.   Images also show the scoreboard and speakers attached to the roof wobbling back and forth as the aftershocks take effect.   The arena was filled to capacity as basketball fans eagerly anticipated the debut of No. 1 overall pick Zion Williamson of the Pelicans.  Williamson and his team were squaring off against another prized Duke product, RJ Barrett, who was picked No. 3 overall by the New York Knicks.  The NBA announced that it postponed the rest of Friday's scheduled Summer League games in Las Vegas because of the earthquake.  Source

San Bernardino