Sunday, October 8, 2017

EVIL PORTENT? Hundreds Dead In GHANA Gas Explosion As Ghanaian Cardinal Turkson Dialogues On Peace In San Diego


Cardinal Peter Turkson Headlines USD Conference on Just Peace Just War Dialogue
Cardinal Peter Turkson, a close, personal advisor to Pope Francis, will be the headline speaker for an important dialogue-focused conference the University of San Diego is hosting Oct. 6-7 in the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice building. The conference, "The Catholic Church Moves Toward Nonviolence? Just Peace and Just War in Dialogue," brings together Just Peace theorists and activists with leading military and Just War theorists to discuss war, peace, nonviolence and justice in the contemporary world. ...... Cardinal Turkson, archbishop emeritus of Cape Coast (Ghana) and who in January was named by Pope Francis as the first prefect of the Dicastery for the Promotion of Integral Human Development, will speak at 7 p.m. Saturday on "Christian Nonviolence and Just Peace." San Diego Bishop Robert W. McElroy will introduce Cardinal Turkson. Source

While the friend of Pope Francis was dialoguing on Just Peace and Just War...hundreds of people were dying in his home Country OF Ghana.

Monster fireball lights up the night sky in Ghana after Atomic Junction petrol station explodes and forces thousands to flee for their lives  

A petrol station in Ghana's capital Accra exploded on Saturday evening, killing an unknown number of people, a government official said. Footage shows a gigantic fireball lighting up the night sky after the fueling station at Atomic Junction exploded forcing hundreds to flee. Deputy Information Minister Kojo Oppong Nkrumah said: 'Unfortunately there are some fatalities and we are working to have the numbers. There are quite a number also injured.' The blaze started at 7.30pm local time (8.30pm GMT) but it now said to be under control with the government planning to release casualty figures later today. Source

Is this an Evil Portent for the Cardinal & Pope Francis?

More videos on the explosion:

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